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Find The Flag

Elk Ridge Neighborhood Gatherings




Each month, there’s an opportunity to get together, network with neighbors and catch up on neighborhood news.  These events begun in late 2012 by residents continue to help us build community within Elk Ridge.


All are welcome to volunteer to host the gathering, which simply means opening your home... clearing off the kitchen counter or dining table...setting out  glasses, small plates and napkins.   Everything else is up to the rest of us:  Bringing whatever we’d like to drink, and an appetizer to share.


Find the Flag!

It will direct you to the home of the neighborhood gathering. 

You’ll usually receive an email reminder.



Time:  5:00 – 7:00 pm. typically the fourth Friday of each month,

but dates are flexible.


Friends, family, guests always welcome.



Elk Ridge Wine and Cheese:

Bob and Ludie Dickeson


Tim and Terry Van Ryn 

Laura Mulder


Diane Butler

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